Haere mai

Welcome to the offcial website for the Aotearoa Psychedelic Māori Advisory Rōpū. APMAR was formed late 2021 in response to the growing number of psychedelic research projects in Aotearoa. The members of this rōpū are indigenous academics, clinicians, and students who recognise the need for this mahi to proceed in genuine partnership with Māori, through regular consultation. The intention of this advisory rōpū is to ensure that psychedelic research in Aotearoa aligns with the principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi.


Provide a platform to foster regular consultation between psychedelic researchers or clinicians and Māori 

In reflecting the principle of Tino Rangatiratanga, the process of consultation aims to ensure research produced will be consistent with the needs, views, and aspirations of Māori, ensuring mana motuhake 

Involvement of Māori voices throughout the whole research process to ensure research design, implementation, and dissemination is culturally appropriate and works to achieve equitable health outcomes for Māori. 

Provide a forum for psychedelic researchers to demonstrate they are well informed in their rights and responsibilities as treaty partners 

Discuss and provide advice and guidance on Tikanga-related queries from psychedelic researcher 


The primary role of this rōpū is to provide advice and guidance to psychedelic researchers on all matters relevant to Māori. We believe that authentic partnership is important to ensure that future health interventions reflect the needs of Māori and honours Te Tiriti and the rich history that indigenous peoples have with psychedelic medicines. Through regular consultation we hope to ensure that research decisions at all stages of development have undergone appropriate consideration. 


Membership is voluntary, with a current core membership of eleven members. Based on need, or interest, the advisory rōpū may invite external guests to sit in on rōpū hui if external input or expertise is sought.  

Psychedelic researchers will attend to present to rōpū members and engage in consultation. 

Role and responsibilities 

AP-MAR Coordinator will chair the hui, engage in all administrative tasks, including sending out an agenda to all members prior to the hui. This agenda will include an overview of scheduled hui guests and a brief summary of research area and key questions to be addressed within the meeting. 

Minutes of each hui will be documented and distributed to members, including an outline of key decisions. 

Decision Making 

If a decision, stance or process cannot be provided by members during the hui, APMAR will advise on additional external consultation avenues for the researcher or they may personally seek advice from their professional networks. Any post-hui advice will be incorporated into the letter of response for consulting researchers or clinicians.  

APMAR will ask all psychedelic researchers to provide updates and feedback on how they have implemented member guidance into their research. This is essential to develop trust and build accountability. This feedback to the rōpū will be done either directly, by attending hui, or communicating with the rōpū coordinator who will pass on these updates to rōpū members. 

Hui: Scheduling and Structure

APMAR meetings are currently scheduled monthly, on the first Monday of each month (excluding public holidays), for one hour. 

Proposed hui structure 


Updates from Coordinator 

Overview of agenda 

Psychedelic researcher presentation 

Rōpū member discussion 

Guidance and advice presented to psychedelic researcher and discussion 

Closing comments 


Terms of engagement  

As a rōpū we have outlined base expectations for researchers who engage with us, these are outlined below: 

After initial enquiry researchers will be provided with a copy of our terms of reference, upcoming scheduling and an application form. Researchers are asked to submit the application form detailing a brief overview of research and key questions to the rōpū prior to scheduling of first hui.

● We expect a minimum of three hui with researchers:

○ Initial hui: presentation of project and initial member feedback and recommendations are provided to researchers/clinicians

○ Second hui: researchers provide update to rōpū on implementation of member feedback, provide progress report and seek further guidance if needed

○ Third hui: purpose varies based on project needs, may include consultation on results and analysis, or on publication and dissemination of findings

In order for researchers to state they have consulted with the AP-MAR we expect the opportunity to review manuscripts before publication.

Researchers are asked to engage with the rōpū as a collective during structured hui times, rather than contacting members of the rōpū individually for consultation. 

Contact Us


If you are interested in becoming a member or would like to consult with APMAR,
please get in touch with us below.